There exists a small manuscript that many have known about because it was transcribed by Dr. Joseph D. Eggleston and printed by The Farmville Herald in the mid 1900's. However, since that time, there has been little word of the original document. This is because it has been sitting safely in the attic of a woman who passed away in the 1990's. She was a genealogist, and active in Virginia historical societies, although not known to be descended from the Hatchetts. When her husband passed away, the document was discovered in the attic by her grandchildren.
The document is fragile, but I have made high resolution photographs of the contents and have completely transcribed it. This web page deals with the bulk of the contents, which is the Diary of John Hatchett, great grandson of the immigrant John Hatchett (John & Elizabeth -> William & Margaret -> John & Mary -> John). It turns out that Dr. Eggleston edited the manuscript fairly heavily, converting the spelling, punctuation, and capitalization to modern norms to make it more readable. He also left out passages that were largely of a personal nature - mostly having to do with John Hatchett's lifelong spiritual journey. The transcription I have made below is a literal transcription, retaining the original spelling, puncuation, and capitalization, and including the entire text. I have made bold those parts that were omitted by Dr. Eggleston. Although there is almost no new information of genealogical value in the text missing from Eggleston's version, it makes the diary a more personal document, giving better insight into the life of this man who lived so many years ago.
Regarding the unusual spelling, punctuation and capitalization, you shoud read this web page to better understand that this was pretty common for the time. In particular, John's writing showed several fairly consistent features. He routinely abbreviated words ending in "ed" by simply using a superscript "d", sometimes with a mark under it, and sometimes not. In my transcription I have used a ".d" to denote when he used a superscript "d". So, for example, rais.d indicates the abbreviated form of raised. Sometimes he simply omitted the "e", and in those cases I transcribed it as written. He was very lax about punctuation. He often omitted periods in sentences that end at the right hand margin, and sometimes even for sentences ending mid-page. He commonly used commas where we would put a period, and vice versa. He also never used apostrophes as we are accustomed to. He also paid little attention to capitalization. He rarely capitalized the first word of new sentences. He sometimes capitalized words that needed no capitalization, and whether a letter was likely to be capitalized seems to depend of which letter it is. Spelling is often phonetic. In cases where these issues might cause confusion, I have included in square brackets my notes to help the reader or explain certain content. The square brackets and what is within them is not in the actual document. I have also literally kept the line breaks as present in the original document, and have placed single blank lines separating pages to fully convey the actual format of the original.
One last comment on something Hatchett descendants might find interesting. John Hatchett consistently spells the name as Hatchitt (with a clearly dotted i instead of an e) although his son William, who wrote in a more modern style consistently spells the name Hatchett.
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Copyright © 2012 Steve Hatchett
[a nearly blank front page simply reads "Diary"] A short naretive of the life of John Hatchitt I was borne in the county of Amelia V.a. near Avereys Church the 18th day of December in the year of our Lord 1769. My parents were both Borne in the same county. My Fathers grandfather came from England a little boy. he was name John Hatchitt. he Maried a Miss Bass and settled in Chesterfield County where they rais.d a famely, and the old people livd and died in Chesterfield. my Fathers Father moovd to Amelia he was by the name of Willim Hatchitt, where my Father was borne, My Fathers name was John Hatchitt. My fathers mother came from France when young, with her parents who fled from the persicutions that raged there under Louis the fourteenth and settled on James River at the Manekin town. My Fathers mothers famely was of the name of Remay. they were all of the Protestent religion. My Fathers mother's famely all soon died after comeing to this countrey and left her the only one of the famely her name was Margret Remay. She Maried a Mr. Levenston who soon died and left her a widow with one daughter. She was Maried agane a Mr. Jn.o [John] Neal. he also soon died and left a daughter She then maried My Granfather moved to Amelia and they raisd several children to wit John, William, Archer Abriham, Marthey, Anne, Jane. My gran mothers first children was Elisabeth Levenston, Mary Neal. My granfather liv.d a strictly honest life and his religion was of the Church of England. My gran Mother was a truley pious Christian of the same Church and a constant comunican [communicant]. the old people moov.d the latter parte of their days to Nottoway County. liv.d to a great age & are buried in Notoway County the old ladie livd to burey three husbands and died aged 92 She was a truley pious Christion [Christian] My Mother was by the name of Mary Neal daughter to Roger Neal. My mothers parents came to this country from Ireland. My mothers mother was by the name of Catherine Malone previous to mariage. They setled on the Beaver pond creak in Amelia County, as also my mothers granfather & grand Mother Neal, and several uncles in the same neighborhood all from Ireland setled on the beaver ponds. they were honest Industress [industrious] money making people protestent religion must be rembred [remembered] was the religion of that day and all the old people was great church people their creads [creeds] and catecisms were strictley attended to and learnt to their children at an earley age My Mothers parents livd on a rich plantation on the Beaver pond where they had seven children, two of them died before they were rais.d. the other five livd to be rais.d and their names was as follows Margret, Anne, Mary, John Stephen. granfather Neal died before these above named children was all grone. granmother Neal Maried the second husband, a Mr. William Freston a tailor by traid [trade] a native of England, that soon died and left the old ladie a widow as she remaind during the remainder of her life moov.d to P. Edward and there she was buried My Father & Mother setled near Averys church on the head waters of west creak, wheare they had 9 children to wit Margret, Anne, Mildred, Elisabeth Abner Bartley, John, William & Mary that died at a few hours old, she beeing a twin sister to Brother William My parents was strictley Honest and verrey industrous tho My mother died when I was so young that I rem- =ember but little of her. They were both inclind to the Mother Church, and had all their children baptis.d into that church. My self among the rest of My Fathers children was caried to Avereys Church, and receiv.d the ordenance of Baptism By parson Brunskill at a few weeks old he beeing the parson of that parrish. we beeing at ??? [missing corner, probably "the"] time under the Crown of Great Britan ????? [missing corner, probably "and King"] George the third. The deth of my Mother brought about a great change in the famely My Father took up regular worship in his famely and attended moore to the religious instruction of his famely then he had done heretofore. as we livd so near the Church we was not sufferd to stay awey from Church we was learnt the Lords prayer, & the church cread at a verrey early age as also the church catechism. I re- =member beeing at the Church when Mr. Joseph Grey read prayers & sung the following psalm. The Lord himself, the mighty Lord, vouchsafes to be my guide. etc. that it left an impression on my mind that never has been arraste [arrested?] to this day, altho I could not have been moore than four years old at that time, previous to this time hearing the fameley speek of those places calld Heaven, & Hell, the thoughts of the latter has caus.d me maney painefull thought before I was four years oald. About this time the Baptist began to preach in the county, and there was a considarable stir a mong the people. Jeremiah Walker and one Baker was the principal preachers at this day The above namd ministers preacht at my fathers on Good Friday to a large congregation. I remember to have seen some of the congregations faces bath.d in tears. but I was so young at that day that I did not know what these things ment. about this time the Methodist began to preach in the neighbourhood and maney profest to Experiance a change one of their preaching places in the neighbourhood was at Joseph Farlors Barn. as they were not permitted to preach in the fine churches in that day I remember riding behind some of the famely to the said barn to hear a Mr. Williams the first Methodist preacher I ever see. I was so young at that day that I kew [knew] no moore about preach =ing then a hog. tho I remember a part of the Hymm that he sung to this day. and it was as follows "I want I know not what. I want my Wants to see, I want alays what want I not When thou art not with me. My good old Father was verrey attentive to preaching. fare [far] & near. as also publick and private devotion. I remember to have seene him on his knees at private devotion many times when my self and my youngest Brother Was little fellows and us.d to follow him about the plantation. About these times their was a frost in May that clad vegitation in mourning. wheat was ear.d out, and all killd to the ground many of the neighbours plow.d up their wheat & plant.d the ground in Corn. those that let it stand made tolerable good crops of wehat that put up from roots & grow.d again. this countrey a little after this was involve in war with the mother Countrey that lasted nearley eight years. these Colonies now engag.d in prepareing to carey on the war, enlisting troops etc. seemd to put a check to the progress of religion in this neighbourhood. in the year 1776 these united Colonies declard Independance & after a long struggle shook of [off] the British yoke. this fall my Father sold his possession in Amelia and moove to Charlotte where he is now buried. My Father was a blacksmith by trade and learnt several boys, and he learnt all his sons the Business: their appeard to be but little appearance of religion in this section of Country At that time the Congregation at Brirey Meeting house appeared to be compos.d of cold Christions . Samues [Samuel] L. Smith was their pastor at that time but was soon succeeded by his Brother John B. Smith who remaind their pastor a good many years. about the years 77 78 & 79 fidling and dancing apeard to be thought moore of then religion in this neighbourhood altho at that time the destresses of the war was great, and wickedness seemd to abound in this part of the world untell the close of the war and afterwards, untill the revival of religion in eighty seven & eighty eight. Times appear.d in this war to be gloomey. No money to pay the troops. paper money little or no account. Soldiers naked & barfoot. Maney dead, parents Bereav.d of their sones [sons], women of ther husbands. their was a law made that all men should bear armes from Sixteen to fifty. 1780 this year and the fall pre- =vious produs.t that memorable hard winter that James river and all other big watercoses [watercourses] were fros [froze] so that waggons went over the Ice. 1780 this year war still rag.d in this country I went to school to Mr. Wm. Booker, he taught school in one room of Col. Thos. Flournoys House. frequentley the soldiers would call at Col Flournoys and give entiligince of the war. and in the year 1781 on the 15 of March was the memorable Battle at Guilford Courthouse fought. My oldest brother was theare, he at that time had just turn.d his sixteenth year providence preserv.d him, and he returnd home safe tho their was maney lives lost on both sides: this fall under kind providance by the assistance of the French the war was brought to a close. Lord CornWallis and his whole armey was taken prisnors of war at York town V.A. on the 19 of October. All plases of worship resorted too to pray & return thanks at a proper time. altho their appeard or was little appearance of heart religion in this neighbourhood: Throughout this War there was lights that would appear in the Element north, and north east and sometimes high as the Meredian [Meridian], red & white these lights appeard often, through the war, and was thought to Be an omen of something. it was thought by some that it was a token of spilling blood. I went to school 81 & 82 to Mr. Ulitious Rogers along the publick road, and us.d often to see the Soldiers passing & repassing: in the summer 81 a little after wheat harvest, Col. Tarlton and his troop of Cavelry came in the neighbourhood of P. Edward Courthouse pillageing & burnning as they came Stayd all night at the Court House. went to several places pillageing as they went. Started for Charlotte as apeard. carreying all the men they got hold of prisnors off With them and as they crossd Brirey Bridg between Mr. Watsons & Mr. Allens a brave young man that livd in the neighbour= =hood Stept in the road before them with his rifle well charg.d ordering them to halt: and at the same time let fly among them, gave one his Mortall wound and made his escape. they then after comeing as high as the forks of the road took the left hand leading to Moors old ordenary taking all the prisnors they could get hold of along with them Spent the Balance of that day at the old ordenary and then moov.d off. went through Lunenburgh Brunswick and the lower Countys burning & plun= =dering as they went to their head quarters. Soon after this the neighbours was alarmd agane by a rumer [rumor] that Cornwallas & his whole armey was comeing in the neighbourhood. Fameleys was all hurry agane as in the former case, hideing their prop- =erty expecting to be stript of every thing. but this report was soon contradict.d and fameleys went peaseabley [peaceably] to their work agane: And within three months from this time that Same old fox had to surrender his whole armey & armes to our Great Washington. This long and tiresom war now a bout to close. a treaty was soon entered into and Ameraca a free & independant people. we was now at liberty to worship and adore our maker in that way we thought the Bible taught us and none dar.d to moles [molest] us. we now was left to our choice whether we paid the old Church parsons sixteen Thousand lb of tobacco as heretofore while under the British Crown we was compeld so to do, no we now had a rite to choose our preachers for our selvs for which we have a bundance of reason to praise and adore that kind hand that is the giver of every good and pearfect gift. War now being brought to a close, traid [trade] beeing opend again, people turn.d their attencion to their plantations. tobacco got up to forty shillings which was thought a fine price all past tobacco let the sise [size] or quality be what it might was worth forty shillings people now began maney of them to live and dress difrent from what they had done. pride began to appear in our Congregations, and all this while religion seemd to be the last thing thought about in my neighbourhood. 1783 I went to school to Mr. Joseph Price I now having entered my fourteenth year I was like other boys my Companions while with them. tho even then, when to my self the thou= =ghts of death and Eternity often marrd my peace As I was taught from my infency to say my prayers before I got in bed. it became a habiet [habit] So that I dar [dare] not to go to bed without first saying my prayers as I had been taught, and after so doeing I felt as if I had done some good dead [deed] and went to bed as I thought safe. there was but little preaching in this neighbourhood at that time near anough for me to attend often. the Rev. Mr. Smith preach.t at Brirey once or twiste [twice] a month Was the nearest stated preaching we then had I used to go theare some times, but the preaching had no affect on me. at this, and a little before this time the Rev. Wm. McRobert preach.t at an old barn call.d Thompsons Barne. about three miles off. I also us.d to go theare, some times, but his preaching had no affect on me at that time. 1784 I went to school to a Mr. John Bibb this year. a little bug call.d the chinch bug attacted the wheat fields & destroyed the wheat, and then went in to the fields of Corn destroying as they went. people was alarm.d spent maney days trying to destroy them. the same little insect remaind among us two years after, untill people Stopt trying to rase wheate, which they thought the onley way to get clear of them. as wheat harvest this year 84 approach.d, the Rev. Mr. Robert Foster preacht a funeral in the Neighbourhood. this was sometime in June. Wheat fields was nearly dried up and the bug began to get in the Corn. this was the first time that I had ever seen Mr. Foster and his preaching that day, had a greater affect on me than aney I had heretofore heard his text was in Job Four: I know that my redeemerth liveth etc. his preaching that day drew maney tears from my eyes. this was about the first time I promist my self to try and live in the servis of my maker I now be= =gan to try to pray for a little while. but these impressions soon wore off. 1785 this year I went to school to Mr. Wm. Russell I now could spend my time as trifling and as wicked as the most of my asociates yet my conscience often smote me when I had done rong [wrong]. this year a young man that liv.d in the fameley went home to his Fathers to stay a while and return. his fathers fameley took the feavour. the said poor young man also took the same feavour and died. I see him intered and while standing looking on the grave, I thought that I would again lead a new life but these impressions like the former in a great Measure wore off. 1786 this year Robert Marten a Metho =dist held meetings a few times in the neighbourhood his rough manner of expresssion together with the zeal he had rendered him unpopular with maney. tho his discourses in his rough manner seemd to go to the verey deeps [depths] of my poore heart. the latter part of this summer I went to school to Mr. John Bassette. I went also to a singing school at Thompsons old barn, taught by a Mr. Wm. F. Morton. Sometime the latter part of this summer the Rev. Mr. Thomas Grimes preach.d a funeral sermon in the neighbourhood which sermon had such an affect on me that I believe I shall remember through time he was a Baptist preacher. About this time the Rev. Archerbald McRoberts, a decenting [dissenting] Minester that I had frequentley heard preach. this mans preaching seem.d to me to be difrent from what it had been heretofore, and the first time I remember to have felt his word to my poore heart was at old Brirey meeting house on a sabbath. the good old mans words seemd to be ketch.d from his lips, and go from heart to heart, and from breast to breast, & drew tears from maney eyes. All this while conversions in this neighborhood, none, or nothing said about them if they were. Some time in the latter part of this year the work of Conviction and Conversion were going on in other parts of the countrey as we could hear rapedley [repeatedly] and in 1787 a blessed work broke out in Cumberland And the lower parts of Prince Edward Countys V.a under the minesterial labours of a Mr. Hope Hull, a Methodist minester. the presbeterians and Baptist caught the flame, and the latter part of this year several of the students at Hamden Sidney Collage became subjects of the work, and 1788 there apeared to be a general out pouring in this and the agoining [adjoining] neighbourhoods. no strange thing to hear of Conversions now. this spring some time in the latter part of April at a sacrement at old brirey meeting house several appeard to be pearst [pierced] to the heart and was crying out for mercy. one woman in particular appeared to be quite Helpeless this was something I had not seen before, and while a young man was praying for the sd. woman, one of his expressions when like a shot to My heart, the Expression some how thus "Lord teach us to know betimes that it is fare [far] better to cry hear [here] for Mercy then to cry in Hell forever for drops of water to coole our tongues This summer my self and my youngest sister went to singing school, to old Mr. Morason this good old man pray.d in his school and instruc.d his school in the things of religion Sometime in the early part of June this year their was a quarterley meeting held at Magehee's barn the first meeting of the kind ever held in this, or near this neighbourhood. [note in lighter ink at bottom of page apparently added at a later date, but still in John Hatchett's hand] Our Wm Spencer hung himself On Sunday I went, never before having been to a meeting of the kind. there was a large collection of people at the place of diferent denominations. the Lord was there, and cloth.d his word with power Maney fell to the flore [floor] and lay prostrate, as dead Maney moore crying & praying for Mercy, maney others testifying that god for Christ sake had pardon.d their Sins. A Mr. Thos. Conner was presiding Elder at this meeting. he had a number of preachers to assist him, and this day will be remembred by many through Eternity no doubt. from this time the work seem.d to spread and go on as if the people would all soon become Christians young ladies & gentlemen would now walk miles to preaching. all denominations seemd to lay too in the work. people went fare [far] & near to preaching Night meetings was kept up by all denominations Earley in July this summer my eldest brother died of a verrey sudden death. that was a great shock to the famely, he being a brother that we all verrey much doted on, this death together with the maney faithfull sermons then preach.d aided by the divine hand, three of my sisters profes.d to experi= =ance a change of heart. my dear old father was stured [stirred] up afresh, for a long time previous to this he had been verrey cold, and had all most quit fameley [family] worship. he now from this time set up fameley worship to which he attended strictley too through life. My Father as above stated, was of the old church persuasion previous to this, and as the Methodist was a reformed branch of that Church he thought proper to join that Church. he joind the Methodist church some time this summer 88 as also two of my sisters with him, at Magehee's old barne. this revival continewd to spread this year and 1789 untell the winter. there now apeard to be a coldness getting among the professers, moore then had been, some that had put their hand to the plow seemd to be looking back. during the revival I us.d to attend the word, fare [far] & near I went to preaching. I also attented private divotion, in my way but never had all this time a discovery of my heart as I aught, tho maney times wet my handkerchief with my tears. The Methodis had form.d a large Church at Magehees Barne & several other places. at length a society was rais.d at a near neighbours, old neighbour George Cardwells - Where they had circuit preaching I us.d to attend their meetings and would often be so caught on that I have in these days gone up to be pray.d for. I knew all was not well with me but my total ignorance of my self, and where my strong lay kep me from the blessing. The life of religion seemd to be fast declining among professers, which set me to looking at the professers and marking maney of them for hypocrits insted of watching my own poor deceiteful heart. I now almost if not quite hated the Methodists & would try to form the most unfaivourable notions of them I could I had taken it for granted that they hated Sinners in their verrey heart, and I knew I was a sinner an that of course they hated me. and these notions together with my other curious notions I in a great measure quit going to hear them preach. 1790 religion still seem.d to decline maney that had made Loud professions Seemd to be joining againe to the world. and there was a visable declension among all denominations. 1791 and 1792 religion still seemd to decline, and about this time a dredfull split took place in the Methodist Episcopal Church. the Rev. James O'Kelley, Edward Almon, John Robertson & Thos. Hardy broke off from the old body of the methodist at a Conference held in Baltimoore, formd a party, drew off many lay members with them, and stiled [styled] themselves republican Methodist. The Rev. Clemmont Read joined them after being a presbyterian Minester, then a Methodist Episcopal. Now one of the republican party - with the Above, the Rev. John Chappel also broke of [off] with the above party. Old Mr. OKelley after a while thought fit to change the name of their partey from republican methodist to the Christian church, which was a cause of a split among them. John Chappel was the onley Minester that joind with OKelley in Charlotte together with several lay members. Almond, Robertson, Hardey & Read. Still re= =maining republican minesters, and had a goodley numbers of followers, & for a while seemd to prosper. at length getting disattisfied with them selves, Hardey being now dead, Read Hankers after a change. Joines the presbyterian Church from whence he came where, he now stands. Robertson, getting moore & moore dissatisfyd, got derangd and came to an unfortunate end (by hangining himself). their lay members together with a few young from therr mostley joind the presbyterians, except a few lay members that went back to the Methodist Episcopal church. I now go back to the years 1792 & 1793. as the republican Church & their affairs has been a good maney years since. the things of Eternity now seemes to be less and less attended to. the world seems to be all that was thought about. this fall '93 I thought ??? to change my state in life. I now found after having chang.d my state, that the cares of a famely lay in my hands, and that it seemd I had less time now to prepare for Eternity then ever, and in great measure Hacken.d[?] going to meeting for by this time I cared not wheather I heard the methodist preach. I use to go to hear the baptist & presbyterians when I could but for two years seldom heard a methodist preach. in about 15 months my Companion was taken from me by death. My tryals [trials] on the occation [occasion] is better known by me then I can express them. Notwithstanding this late call, I could not feel under preaching as I had done yet I could never feel easey. Still I had no heart to pray and almost quit any pretensions to any thing like religion, and would be govial [jovial] with the wickedest sort of people. in the year 1794 a rebellion broke out in some of the Northern States. government thought proper to lay a tax on all publick destilries, and stills of every kind, and as some of the Stillers to the north made their calling on whiskey traid [trade], they refus.d their paying therr tax, and set up liberty poles with their flags a sailing at every fork of the road. government thought propper to send an armey against them, that soon put a stop to their murmerings. they cut down their liberty pooles before the armey got in sight, and their ring leaders left the state. the armey had to return, having nothing to doe. it fell to my tower [tour] to have gone under Cptn Wood Boulding in this campaign, and was making arangements so to doe when Cptn Gedion Spencer stept out as a volenteer and soon rais.d a companey of volenteers of unmaried men. I being at that time in a marage [marriage] state staid at home tho with much reluctiance. in November 1795, the latter part of this month I moov.d my few black people & setled a little place of my own near where I now live. previous to these years a dreadfull revolution broke out in the french nation. they beheaded their King and Quean, which brought on a wretched & bloodey war that involv.d the greater parte of Urope [Europe] in the bloody sean [scene], that lasted above twenty years. this Uropian war rais.d the price of produce in this countrey Flower & tobacco got up, so that maney of the people of this countrey became rich. 1796 I spent this year in attending to my little plantation. the state of religion at this time was at a low ebb I now began to try to think what is to be will be etc. tho all this while I felt and knod.d [knowed] that all was not well with me; 1797 this year I would feel much alarm.d at times and make maney promises to amend my way but would as often come short of fulfilling them. this Summer I went to hear the Funeral sermon of one of my neighbours preach.d. the Rev. Drurey Lacy was the preacher, and his text was, The Lord is good & strong hold in the day of trouble and he knoweth them that trust in him. this sermon had a great effect on my poore heart, together with his discourse while the assmbley was standing round the open grave of the deceast [deceased], which had a great affect on me. I went home. that night my sleep in a great meashure departed from me. tho all this while I knew not wherein my great stren= =gth lay. I now began to go to the Methodist meetings moore then I had done for some time past and my will was good to ask them to pray for me but shame & my poor proud heart prevented me. 1798 this year I frequented the methodist meetings and would often stay in their class meetings for which privilage I feel thankfull to this day, for this year I was enabled through grace divine to forme my resolution to be for God, and that let others doe as they would As for me I would try and searve my god. I now began to read the Bible in search of trouth. I read maney good books. I frequented the house of prayer. I was often at my private divotion I often got the people of God to pray for me all this while I felt my self a poor Sinner. I often thought that my day of grace was past, and that I should be a castaway. I now was willing to receive instruction from aney one, and I thought as a meens of a help to my poore strugling soul, to joine the methodist church as a seeker after trouth. for I now knew that I needed help from every quarter. like a drowning man I was ready to ketch at every straw. I accord =ingly joind at Mount Pleasant this Summer the Rev. Pemberton Smith being the Serquit [circuit] preacher I Joind Society as a seeker, and I doe not repe= =nt it to this day, for it was in Clays meeting that some gleames of hope sprang up in my poore disponding heart that enabled me to keep from sink= =ing in to despare [dispair], and still hope for mercy. Yet I was not satisfied, altho maney times I would feel love and joy spring up in my Soul but when I would look at others and hear them tell their exercises, it would so fare [far] excell mine. I dare not receave my self and think my self one of Gods shildren yet I was now sensible of my own unrighteousness or merit by aney thing that I could doe, and that my Strength was in him that stood between the Fathers wrath and mee. altho I now beein sensable of this it seem.d as if unbeleaf keep me from the promises and I could not lay hold of them as I wish.d, and often us.d to think that some vision or meraculous view was to be presented to me before I could receave my self as a Christian. these and simmerler [similar] doubts use to pester me much. some times I thought that as I had been ???? a sinner that I must be struck down with the power and be convulst [convulsed] before I could beleave. yet at times I would feel sweetley drawn by cords of love, and felt a resignation to the will of my Maker beleaving he would doe with me what was write [right]. 1799 this year on the 22nd September the rod of afflic= =tion was laid heavey on me. I was taken with a bilious feaver. after lieing some time, my feaver chang.d from the bilious to the nervous feaver. my physion [physician] desparied of me & left me. after awhile it was propos.d for me to send to Doctor White. I was willing my Brother [(Bartly) added in another hand] should go as he made the proposition (and was willing to go) he went to Doctor Whites in Pitsylvania, the Doctor did not come but sent medason [medicine], and after taking his medason I began slowley to amend. previous to this my life was despard of by all that came to see me. I was redust [reduced] so low that for maney weeks I was not able to turn over on my bed or put my hand to my mouth, and the first of my standing alone was in the Christmass holiday and through the next summer following could not walk without stagering. all the time of my afflic- =tion my good neighbours paid every kindness to me probable [prominent?], among my kind friends was my good and ever asteem'd and affectionate friend Wiltshire Cardwell who spared no paines day or night cold or what not, that friend whom I shall ever love and asteem stuck to me and his kind Nursing was bless.d to my beeing restord to the land of the living a gain. May the lord reward him and bring him to a saving knowledge of the truth. be fore his time comes to be laid on a sick or dieing bed, may grace enable him to mak an entire surrender of him self Soul body and Spirit to that almighty Arme that can create worlds and dash them to peaces [pieces] at his will. In my above mensiond [mentioned] afflictions I thought I felt a calm resignation to the will of my Maker, and felt, altho at that time so low in body that the Lord was doing that, that was rite. and I can say this day that I feel thankfull that he then afflicted me I still continewed to search after truth as well as I know how, yet I could not feel as I wishd, nor could I feel that strong assu- =rance that I heard others speak of I red the bible and maney other good books again & again. I in my poor manner try.d to pray with, and for my then little famely at that time consisted of a few black people, my little son & a little boy that borded [boarded] with me to go to school, & my Self. poor Billey Spencer [probably Wm Spencer] spard no paines in helping me all he could. he put many good books in my hands. I often heard him preach with much warmth and zeal. I often went with him to his appointments, fare [far] and near, and I then thought that he was the greatest pattern of piety I then knew. this year Christerpher Mooring and James Paterson rode this seirquit, and there was a class organised at the Rev. Wm. Spencer's schoolhouse where we had preaching once a fortnight 1800 Our seirquit preachers this year was John Buckston, William Douthet and Pemberton Smith, this seirquit at that time beeing a six weeks tower [tour]. 1801 this year if I mistake not a couple of young men traveld hear by the names of Turner & Kendrey. besides a fine young man by the name of Louis Garret, that soon left this state and went to the western country. Some part of these times David Hume from South Carolina & Risher traveled this seirquit 1802 Samuel S. Stuart rode here. 1803 a fine little man from Granville, North Carolina, by the name of Moore traveld hear. 1804 this spring our much esteem.d Friend Wm Spencer sold his possessions and moovd to the lower parts of Lunenburg County. 99, 1800, 1801-2 it may be that I have made some mistake with respect to the particurlar dates that some of the above named travling preachers rode and preached hear [here]. I know that they all that I have named traveled here in the above dates. as also a Louis Faylor [Taylor?] rode here ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In consiquence of the Rev. William Spencers remooval preaching was moovd to my Fathers where I now reside Wm. Rite [Wright?] was our preacher, a vearey sensable srude [shrewd] man and if I mistake not our presiding Elder was Daniel Hall. Jesse Lacy had been our Elder before[.] 1805 Some of my neighbours wish.d to teach a school in the neighbourhood, and made up a large school and accordingly I under took to teach their children as well as I knew how. Our preacher this year was by the name of Nathaniel Walker from P. Ann County. I still was trying as well as I knew how to know what was the will of my maker concearning of me, and in the early part of June as well as I now remember, while in the woods by my self, down on my knees praying as well as I knew how. I felt such life light & liberty, that I realy thought that I could say Christ was my saviour & that the Lord was my God. my feelings was better felt by me then I could Express them. I now thought that my troubles was now over and that my sorrows was gone never to return. I now felt for a while peace & quietude within. there was a Quarterly Meeting at Mount Pleasant in a short time after this. I thought I felt that Humble boldness that I had never heretofore felt when I appro= =cht to the Sacrament I was melted down with love I thought the Christians look.d difrent to what they us.d to doe. I now could begin to think surely that I had an interest in the faivour of my Saviour and ventur.d to tell some of my Christian friends that I hope the Lord for Christ Sake had pardoned my Sins. the first persons I beleave that I told was My Br. & Sister Wm Rowlette & wife. I could till others also that I hop.d [hoped] the Lord had taken me in to his faivour. I also receav.d a letter from my friend Wm Spencer strength= =thning and encourageing of me. from this time I try [note in hand of Wm R Hatchett at bottom] Wm. Spencer becoming involved in debt, hung himself [no other pages in diary continue the line left in mid-sentence, so this appears to be the end] [The following loose fragment of a page appears to be in John Hatchett's hand] O how life goes! I walked, now I gallop into Eternity. the bowl of life goes rapidly down the steep hil of time. lit us be wise: embrace we Jesus and the resurrection: let us trim our lamps, and give our selves afresh to him that bought us, till we can do it without reserve. J. F. [the above is a quote from Rev. John Fletcher from a letter written in March 1774 to Mr. Ireland] ============== ??ve [Give] up our selves daily to the Lord as people who have no confidence in the flesh and do not trust tomorrow. I find my weakness, unprofitableness and wretchedness daily more and more; and the more I find them, the more help I have to sink in ???? abhorrence. [below this, in light pencil in what looks like the hand of Wm. R. Hatchett is the name John Hatchett]
Cover of the John Hatchett diary.
First page of the John Hatchett diary.